
All should be here. But I’m not perfect, so let me know if you can’t find yours.
Please comment on any postcards. It might take a little while to show, as I read each comment before I approve it for safety reasons. x Alex

#757 to #799
#757#758 #759 #760 #761 #762 #763 #764 #765#766 #767 #768 #769#770 #771 #772 #773 #774 #775 #776 #777 #778#779 #781 #782 #783 #784 #785 #786 #787 #788 #789 #791 #792 #793 #794 #795 #796 #797 #798 #799

#800 to #899
#800 #801 #802 #803 #804 #805 #806 #807 #808 #809 #810 #811 #812 #813 #814 #815 #816 #817 #818 #819 #820 #821 #822 #823 #824 #825 #826 #827 #828 #829#830 #831 #832 #833 #834 #835 #836 #837 #838 #839 #840 #841 #842 #843 #844 #845 #846A #847 #848 #849 #850 #851 #852 #853 #854 #855 #856 #857 #858 #859 #860 #861 #862 #863 #864 #865 #866 #867 #868#869 #870 #871 #872 #873 #874 #875 #876 #877 #878 #879 #880 #881 #882 #883 #884 #885 #886 #887 #888 #889 #890 #891A #891B#892A #892B #893A #893B #894A #894B #895A #895B #896A #896B#897A #898 #899

#900 to #999

#900 #901 #902 #903 #904 #905 #906 #907 #908 #909 #910 #911 #912 #913 #914B#914A#915 #917 #916 #918 #919 #920 #921 #922 #923 #924 #925 #926 #927 #928 #929 #930 #931 #932 #933 #934 #935 #936 #937 #938 #939 #940 #941 #942 #943 #944 #945 #946 #947 #948 #949#950 #951 #952 #953 #954 #955 #956 #957 #958 #959 #960 #961 #962 #963 #964 #965 #967 #968 #969 #970 #971 #972 #973 #974 #975 #976 #977 #978 #979 #980 #981 #982 #983 #984 #985 #986 #987 #988 #989 #990 #991 #992 #993 #994 #995 #996 #997 #998 #999


#1000 #1002 #1003#1004 #1005 #1006  #1007 #1008 #1009 #1010A #1010B #1011 #1012 #1013 #1014 #1015 #1016 #1017 #1018 #1019 #1020 #1021 #1022 #1023 #1024 #1025 #1026 #1027 #1028 #1029 #1030 #1031 #1032 #1033 #1034 #1035 #1036 #1037 #1038 #1039 #1040 #1041 #1042 #1043 #1044 #1045 #1046 #1047 #1048 #1049 #1050 #1051 #1052 #1053 #1054 #1055 #1056 #1057 #1058 #1059 #1060 #1061 #1062  #1063 #1064 #1065 #1067 #1068 #1069 #1070 #1072 #1073 #1074 #1075 #1076 #1077 #1078 #1079 #1080 #1081 #1082 #1083 #1084 #1085 #1086 #1087 #1088 #1089 #1090 #1091 #1092 #1093 #1094 #1095 #1096 #1097 #1098A #1098B #1099

#1100 #1101 #1102#1104 #1103 #1105 #1106 #1107 #1108 #1109 #1110 #1111 #1112 #1113 #1114 #1115 #1116 #1116A #1117 #1118 #1119 #1120 #1121 #1122 #1123 #1124 #1125 #1126 #1127 #1128 #1129 #1130 #1131 #1132 #1133 #1134 #1135 #1136 #1137 #1138 #1139 #1140 #1141 #1142 #1143 #1144 #1145 #1146 #1147 #1148 #1149 #1150 #1151 #1152 #1153 #1154 #1155 #1156 #1157 #1158 #1159 #1160 #1161 #1162 #1163 #1164 #1165 #1166 #1167 #1168#1169 #1170 #1171 #1172 #1173 #1174 #1175 #1176 #1177 #1178 #1179#1180 #1181 #1182 #1183 #1184 #1185 #1186 #1187 #1188 #1189 #1190 #1191 #1192 #1193 #1194 #1195 #1196 #1197 #1198 #1199

#1200 to #1299
#1200 #1201 #1202 #1203 #1204 #1205 #1206 #1207 #1208 #1209 #1210 #1211 #1212 #1213 #1214 #1215#1216 #1217 #1218 #1219 #1220 #1221 #1222 #1223 #1224 #1225 #1226 #1227 #1228 #1229 #1230 #1231 #1232 #1233 #1234 #1235 #1236 #1237 #1238 #1239 #1240 #1241 #1242 #1243#1244 #1245 #1246 #1247 #1248 #1249 #1250 #1251 #1252 #1253 #1254 #1255 #1256 #1257 #1258 #1259 #1260 #1261 #1262 #1263 #1264 #1265 #1266#1267 #1268 #1269 #1270 #1271 #1272 #1273 #1274 #1275  #1276 #1277 #1278 #1279  #1280 #1281 #1282 #1283 #1284 #1285 #1286 #1287 #1288 #1289 #1290 #1291 #1292 #1293 #1294 #1295#1296 #1297 #1298 #1299

#1300 to #1351
#1300 #1301 #1302 #1304 #1305 #1306 #1307 #1308 #1309 #1310 #1311 #1312 #1313 #1314 #1315 #1316 #1317 #1318 #1319 #1320 #1321 #1322 #1323 #1324 #1325 #1326 #1327 #1328 #1329 #1330 #1331 #1332 #1333 #1334 #1335 #1336 #1337 #1338 #1339 #1340 #1341 #1342 #1343 #1344 #1345 #1346 #1347 #1348 #1349 #1350 #1351

4 responses to “Sydney

  1. Sydneysider

    Is this a kids-only event, or can adults (without kids) participate too?

    • Hi Joseph, children are the only ones that send postcards. Parents & Guardians are welcome with their children. We hope to have some on display that might be worth a loosky if you’re heading to the Village anyway. Otherwise subscribe to this blog on the home page to watch the project unfold & read the postcards that are made and their responses.
      Warmth, Alex.

  2. Jessica Williams Hann

    hii i live at 35 hope street Nottingham England and we received your postcard a couple of months ago but my mum didnt understand what it was so put it away but my next door neighbors who were in the newspaper told my mum about it so now we know and went next door to get the website name. my name is jess and im 13 1/2 yrs old, i go to alderman white secondary school and live with my mum dad sister and cat (sparkle). thankyou for your postcard!xxx

    • Hi jessica, on the bottom of your postcard there should be a number? Something between #757 and #1351. You can then click that number postcard above & write directly to the person who made your postcard :)

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